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It Takes A Village


The deadline to nominate a student is June 3, 2021

One of our main goals is to keep our camp affordable for all campers. However, some students may still be unable to pay. The It Takes A Village Scholarship is funded by our generous donors who wish to sponsor a student who has the desire to attend camp but has financial challenges. Scholarship recipients are by nomination only. If you are a Group leader who would like to nominate a student for the It Takes A Village Scholarship, the leader/camper must meet the following requirements:

  • Group leader must be registered and has paid deposit to attend RESET Camp*

  • Nominated student must have a desire to attend camp, but has a financial need

    • Student must qualify for free or reduced lunch and show proof​

  • Nominated student must be a 1st time RESET attendee

*(Nominee is not required to register before receiving scholarship)

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